Village People
Top 40
Top 40
Top 40
Top 40

Village People – Y.M.C.A. [Philips 6075 045] (45 toerensingle)
(Words and Music by Jacques Morali, Henri Belolo and Victor Willis)
(Produced by Jacques Morali)
(Published ℗ 1978)
[N° 1-hit in Canada] (RPM)
[N° 1-hit in Australië] (Kent Music Report)
[N° 1-hit in Nieuw-Zeeland] (Recorded Music NZ)
[N° 1-hit in Groot-Brittannië] (Music Week)
[N° 1-hit in Ierland] (IRMA)
[N° 1-hit in Zweden] (Sverigetopplistan)
[N° 1-hit in Finland] (Suomen virallinen lista)
[N° 1-hit in Nederland] (Stichting Nederlandse Top 40)
[N° 1-hit in West-Duitsland] (Der Musikmarkt)
[N° 1-hit in Vlaams-België] (Radio2 BRT Top 30)
[N° 1-hit in Vlaams-België] (Humo's Top 20)
[N° 1-hit in Luxemburg] (Radio Luxembourg Top 30 - Radio Luxembourg - 208 meter (1440 kHz) (English-language service)
[N° 1-hit in Frankrijk] (Hit-Parade Europe 1)
[N° 1-hit in Oostenrijk] (Ö3 Austria Top 40)
[N° 1-hit in Zwitserland] (Schweizer Hitparade)
[N° 1-hit in Italië] (FIMI)
[N° 2-hit in Amerika] (Billboard Hot 100)
[N° 2-hit in Noorwegen] (VG-lista)
[N° 3-hit in Zuid-Afrika] (Springbok)
[N° 4-hit in Spanje] (AFYVE)
{Classic Song op radiostation Extra AM 1332 kHz in Amsterdam, The Netherlands} {Classic Song op radiostation Radio Mi Amigo International (Costa Blanca in Spanje 92.3 en 106.0 FM. Uitzendend vanuit Kall in de Eiffel, dagelijks op de kortegolf: van 9 uur 's ochtends tot 6 uur 's avonds, met een eigen zender op 6085 kHz in de 49 meter band en op de middengolf via de zender Riga in Letland op 1467 AM, gericht op Scandinavië, de Baltische staten en Noord-Duitsland} {Classic Song op Hendrik van Nellestijn's internetstation Radio Mi Amigo (Live vanaf de Spaanse Costa), Alfaz del Pi, Costa Blanca, España}
N° 3-albumhit in Amerika voor Village People (Songs written by Jacques Morali, Henri Belolo and Victor Willis) (Produced by Jacques Morali) (Composed and produced by Jacques Moralli) (Executive Producer: Henri Belolo) (Strings and Horns Arranged and Conducted by: Horace Ott) (Vocal Arrangements: Jacques Morali and Victor Willis) (Engineer: Michael Hutchinson) (Assisted by: Jim Dougherty, Craig Michaels, Carla Bandini) (Recorded and Mixed at Sigma Sound Studios, New York City) (The Village People are: Policeman: Victor Willis - Lead Singer and Lyricist) (Cowboy: Randy Jones - Vocals) (Construction Worker: David "Scar" Hodo - Vocals) (Indian: Felipe Rose - Vocals and Foot Bells) (Leather Man: Glenn M. Hughes - Vocals) (The GI: Alexander Briley - Vocals) (The Musicians are: Drums: Russell Dabney) (Bass: Alfonso Carey) (Lead Guitar: Jimmy Lee) (Rhythm Guitar: Rodger Lee) (Fender Rhodes: & Clavinet: Nathanial [Crocket] Wilkie) (All Synthesizers: Richard Trifan) (Percussions: Peter Whitehead, Felipe Rose) (Handclaps: Bitter Sweet) (All music written by Jacques Morali) als Y.M.C.A. (℗ 1978) in 1979 (lp: Cruisin') [Casablanca NBLP 7118]
1978: Mario Cavallero, son orchestre et ses chanteurs (Paroles et musique: Jacques Morali - Henri Belolo - Victor Willis) (Interprète: Och. Carnaby Group) als Y.M.C.A (lp: Hit-parade chanté - Pop Hits - Vol. 42) [Pop Hits PH 1842 | Musidisc-Europe]
1978: Sunday (Musik + Originaltext: Jacques Morali - Henri Belolo - Victor Willis / deutsche Bearbeitung: Christian Heilburg) (Arr.: Ralf Nowy) (Eine Günter - Henne Walter Färber Produktion) als C. V. J. M. (Y. M. C. A.) (Deutsche Originalfassung von Y.M.C.A.) [Toledo INT 112.509] (45 toerensingle) (Duitse versie)
N° 11-albumhit in Zweden voor Säwes (Jacques Morali / svensk text: Björn Håkanson) als R.F.S.U. op 6 april 1979 (lp: R.F.S.U.) [Mariann Records MLPH 1238] (Zweedse versie)
N° 21-albumhit in Amerika voor Village People (Words and Music by Jacques Morali, Henri Belolo and Victor Willis) (Produced by: Jacques Morali) (Executive Producer: Henri Belolo) (Executive Producers: Ian Schrager and Steve Rubell) (Associate Producers: Morris Levy and Ira Pittelman) (Sequenced by: Roy Thode and Marc Paul Simon) als Y.M.C.A. in 1979 (various artists) (lp: A Night at Studio 54) [Casablanca NBLP-2-7161]
N° 32-albumhit in Zweden voor Tonix (Jacques Morali / svensk text: Björn Håkanson) als R.F.S.U. op 18 mei 1979 (lp: Darling) [Tor TORS 2217] (Zweedse versie)
N° 33-hit in Bondsrepubliek Duitsland voor Günter Willumeit (Musik + Originaltext: Jacques Morali - Henri Belolo - Victor Willis / deutsche Bearbeitung: Hans Scheibner) (Idee: Jörn-Christoph Seelenmeyer) (Produzent: Ulf Krüger) als L.M.A.A. (Herbert's Y.M.C.A.) op 21 mei 1979 [RCA Victor PB 5619] (45 toerensingle) (Duitse versie)
1979: Bunny Chanel (Words and Music by Jacques Morali, Henri Belolo and Victor Willis) als YMCA (lp: Bunny Chanel) [WEA H 93003]
1979: Caramelos (adaptación española: Carlos Ramón - Amart) (Realizada y dirigida por Rafael Trabucchelli) als Y.M.C.A. (lp: Caramelos) [Hispavox S 60.216] (compactcassette) (Spaanse versie)
1979: Caravelli (Henri Belolo - Jacques Morali) (Réalisation artistique: Philippe Boutet) (Enregistrement: Studio CBS France - Paris) (Ingénieur du son: Guy Pons) als Y.M.C.A. (lp: Too Much Heaven) [CBS - CBS 83629]
1979: Christopher John, son orchestre et ses chanteurs (Words and Music by Jacques Morali, Henri Belolo and Victor Willis) als Y.M.C.A. (lp: Juke Box Vol. 7) [Music for Pleasure 4M024-23828 | EMI]
1979: Cliff Carpenter und sein Orchester (Jacques Morali - Henri Belolo - Victor Willis / deutsche Bearbeitung: Christian Heilburg) (Eine Michael Kudritzki Produktion) als Y.M.C.A. (lp: One Way Ticket - Stereo Tanzparty Nr. 23) [Hansa 200 549]
1979: Franz Lambert (Franz Lambert an der Galaxis-Orgel) (Alle Arrangements: Werner Dies/Berry Lipman) (Produzent: Berry Lipman) (Tonmeister: Horst Dieter Krohn) als (a.) Y.M.C.A. (Jacques Morali - Henri Belolo - Victor Willis) / (b.) You've Got All of Me (Terry Dempsey - John Timperley) / (c.) Le Freak (Nile Rodgers - Bernard Edwards) (lp: Pop-Orgel Hitparade 4) [HörZu 1 C 056-45 427 | EMI Electrola]
1979: Grethe Ingmann (Jacques Morali - Henri Belolo - Victor Willis / Dansk tekst: Viggo Happel) (Indspillet i Metronome Studio 1979) (Teknik: Birger Swan) (Producer: Leif Pedersen) als Jeg er okay (Y.M.C.A.) (lp: Ta' mig som jer er) [Philips 6318 054] (Deense versie)
1979: 西城秀樹 (Hideki Saijo) (Victor Willis - Henri Belolo - Jacques Morali / Adapt. あまがいりゅうじ (Ryuji Amagai) (Arr. 大谷和夫 (Kazuo Ohtani) als Young Man (Y.M.C.A.) [RCA RVS-1172] (Japanse versie)
1979: Hits Machine Unlimited (Words and Music by Jacques Morali, Henri Belolo and Victor Willis) als Y.M.C.A. (lp: Party Disco) [Chevron CHVL 158]
1979: Jean-Claude Borelly (Jacques Moral - Henri Belolo - Victor Willis) als Y.M.C.A. (lp: Au-delà des nuages) [Delphine 700.035 | Discodis]
1979: Josef Laufer a skupina Golem (Jacques Morali - Henri Belolo - Victor Willis / Český text: Michal Bukovič) (Vedoucí: Jan Václavík) (Spolupráce na realizaci: Vit Haderka) als Pásek mi dej (Y.M.C.A.) [Panton 8143 0025] (45 toerensingle) (Tsjechische versie)
1979: Kaleidoscope (Words and Music by Jacques Morali, Henri Belolo and Victor Willis) als Y.M.C.A. (lp: Kaleidoscope) [EMI EMGS 7017]
1979: Mieke (Jacques Morali - Henri Belolo - Victor Willis / Nederlandse Tekst: Pierre Kartner) (Productie: Pierre Kartner) als Lekker... (Y.M.C.A.) [GIP 40.12] (45 toerensingle)
1979: Nick Ingman and His Orchestra With the Lords and Ladybirds als YMCA (lp: The Best Songs of the Year 1979) [Reader's Digest RD4A-003-1 | RCA Custom]
1979: Nummisuutarit (Säv. Jacques Morali / suom. san. Tapani Kansa) als Laulumme soi - Y.M.C.A. (various artists) (lp: Disco city 2 - Kotimaan hitit) [Disco Gold DG 12002] (Compactcassette) (Finse versie)
1979: Orchester Kai Warner (Jacques Morali - Henri Belolo - Victor Willis) (Arrangiert und Produktion: Kai Warner) (Toningenieur: Ludwig Bender) (Aufgenommen im Phonogram Daylight-Studio, Hamburg, Februar 1979) als Y.M.C.A. (lp: Kai Warner bittet zum Tanz! - 2) [Philips 6305 397 | Phonogram]
1979: Orchester Kai Warner (Jacques Morali - Henri Belolo - Victor Willis) als Y.M.C.A. (various artists) (lp: Hit-Sommer '79 ◦ 55 Holiday - Hits!) [Philips 6641 941 | Phonogram]
1979: Østjydsk Musikforsyning (Jacques Morali / Dansk tekst: Karlo Staunskjær) (Producer: Michael Ritto) als K.F.U.M./K.; B-kant van Gris [Medley MdS 123] (45 toerensingle) (Deense versie)
1979: Østjydsk Musikforsyning (Jacques Morali - Henri Belolo - Victor Willis / Dansk tekst: Karlo Staunskjær) (Musikalske arrangementer: Anders Barfod, Björn Christensen og Østjydsk Musikforsyning) (Producer: Michael Ritto) als K.F.U.M./K. (lp: En på trynen) [Medley MdLP 6029] (Deense versie)
1979: Petr Rezek (Jacques Morali / Český text: Miroslav Černý) (Karel Vágner se svým orchestrem) als Dávno tě znám (Y.M.C.A.) [Supraphon 1143 2306] (45 toerensingle) (Tsjechische versie)
1979: Petterssonit (Säv. Jacques Morali / suom. san. Tapani Kansa) als Laulumme soi - Y.M.C.A. – (various artists) (lp: Hittiparaati 9) [M&T Production MTHLP-1012] (Finse versie)
1979: Raymond Lefèvre (Henri Belolo - Victor Willis - Jacques Morali) (Direction Musicale: Le grand de Raymond Lefèvre) (Liste d'instruments des séances Raymond Lefèvre - Keyboard Computer RMI - Prophet 5 (Polyphonique à mémoire) - ARP Odyssey + Sequencer - ARP Omni - ARP Pro DGX - Korg Poly I - Korg Poly II - Piano Électrique Yamaha CP 30 - Piano Électrique Yamaha CP 70 - Vocoder - ARP Quadra (à mémoire) (Programmations des synthétiseurs: Guy Boyer, aux Studios Damiens) (Réalisation artistique: Léo Missir) (Enregistrement et mixage: Studios Hoche-Barclay Paris) (Ingénieur du son: Mick Lanaro) (Assistant: Jean-Michel Locret) als Y.M.C.A. (lp: Holiday Symphonies - 12 Super Hits en Super Stereo) [Barclay 91 030]
1979: Tapani Kansa (Säv. Jacques Morali / suom. san. Tapani Kansa / sov. Bruno Korpela) als Laulumme soi - Y.M.C.A. - (lp: Sua rakkaus odottaa) [CBS - CBS 83596] (Finse versie)
1979: The Brighouse and Rastrick Brass Band (Jacques Morali - Henri Belolo - Victor Willis) (Musical Director: Derek M. Broadbent) ("Y.M.C.A." Arr. Derek Broadbent) (Moog bass and Synthersized Keyboards: John Gillaspie) (Produced by John Briley) (Recorded at Rydings Hall, Brighthouse and Mixed at September Sound Studios, Golcar, West Yorkshire) (Engineered by David Whiteley) als Y.M.C.A. (lp: Music) [Logo MOGO 4004]
1979: The Fevers (Jacques Morali - Henri Belolo - Victor Willis / versão: Rossini Pinto) als Eu Sou Mais Eu (Y.M.C.A.) (lp: Disco Club) [EMI | Odeon 31C 062 421156] (Portugese versie)
1979: The Hiltonaires (Words and Music by Jacques Morali, Henri Belolo and Victor Willis) (The Hiltonaires - Vocal Production -) als Y.M.C.A. (lp: Hits for Young People 19) [Europa 111 880.3]
1979: The Galactic Symposium (Words and Music by Jacques Morali, Henri Belolo and Victor Willis) (Arranged by the G. S.) als Y.M.C.A.; B-kant van Money [Vague Records VOG 2] (45 toerensingle)
1979: Tupa's Band als Y.M.C.A. (lp: Explosion de exitos Vol. VII) [Marfer 12(0131)00060]
1979: Unknown Artist (Words and Music by Jacques Morali, Henri Belolo and Victor Willis) als Y.M.C.A. (lp: Top of the Pops - Volume 71) [Hallmark Records SHM 3007 | Pickwick International]
N° 1-albumhit in Oostenrijk voor Mike Krüger (Alle Arrangements: Mike Krüger) (Produzent: Mike Krüger) (Aufgenommen und aufgemixt von Conny Plank) (Live-Aufnahme Januar 1980 im Saalbau zu Witten) als Gesang Befohlen (Potpourri): (a). Zum Frühsport (Musik: Trad. / Bearbeitung: Mike Krüger / Text: Mike Krüger) / (b.) Alle die Soldaten (Musik: Trad. / Bearbeitung: Mike Krüger / Text: Mike Krüger) / (c.) Stabs-U.v.D. (Y.M.C.A.) (Musik + Originaltext: Jacques Morali - Henri Belolo - Victor Willis / Speziellen Text: Mike Krüger) / (d.) Guten Abend, gut' Nacht (Musik: Trad. / Bearbeitung: Mike Krüger / Text: Mike Krüger) op 1 juni 1980 (lp: Der Nippel) [EMI 1C 066-45 978 | EMI Electrola] (Duitse versie)
N° 20-albumhit in Bondsrepubliek Duitsland voor Max Greger (Aufgenommen in Trixie-Studio, München) (Toningenieur: Willy Schmidt) (Produzent: Bobby Schmidt) als Potpourri (a.) In the Navy (Jacques Morali - Henri Belolo / (b.) YMCA (Jacques Morali - Henri Belolo) (℗ 1979) op 14 januari 1980 (lp: Die goldene Tanz-Platte) [Polydor 2371 959]
1980: Byfånarna! (Jacques Morali / svensk text: Troy Dunne) (Produced by A. C. Tenderfoot) als Åsa Bodén (Y. M. C. A.); B-kant van No Particular Place to Go [EMI 7C 006-35784] (45 toerensingle) (Zweedse versie)
1980: Robert Wolf at the Organ of The Opera House, Blackpool (Robert Wolf playing the Opera House Wurlitzer Blackpool) (Recording Engineer: Ron Travers) (Recording produced by: Kirkham Recording Studios Ltd. Pulham Market, Norfolk) als (a.) Sometimes When We Touch (Dan Hill - Barry Mann) / (b.) I Close My Eyes and Count to Ten (Clive Westlake) / (c.) Y.M.C.A. (Jacques Morali - Henri Belolo - Victor Willis) (lp: Seaside Special) [Kirkham KRS 1006]
1980: Tony Pegler (Musical Arrangements: Tony Pegler) (Producer/Engineer: John R. Taylor) als (a.) I'm in the Mood for Dancin' (Ben Findon - Mike Myers - Bob Puzey) / (b.) Y.M.C.A. (Henri Belolo - Jacques Morali - Victor Willis) (lp: Coronado Cascade) [Grosvenor GRS 1091]
N° 13-albumhit in Nederland voor Stars on 45 (Produced for Red Bullet Productions by Jaap Eggermont) als Star Wars main Title (John A. Williams) / Can't Give You Anything (But My Love) (Luigi Creatore - George David Weiss - Hugo Peretti) / Kung-Fu Fighting (Carl Douglas) / Layla (Jim Gordon - Eric Clapton) / Alright Now (Paul Rodgers - Andy Fraser) / Fire (Bruce Springsteen) / Do You Think I'm Sexy (Rod Stewart - Carmine Appice) / Ma Baker (Frank Farian - George Reyam - Fred Jay) / Y.M.C.A. (Jacques Morali - Henri Belolo - Victor Willis) / The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Ennio Morricone) / Don't Stop (Till You Get Enough) (Michael Jackson) / Theme from Mash (Johnny Mandel - Mike Altman) / The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Any More (Bob Crewe - Bob Gaudio) / Overture from Tommy (Pete Townshend) / Get Off (Carl Driggs - J.A. Ledesma) / Stars on 45 (Jaap Eggermont - Martin Duiser) / Baker Street (Gerry Rafferty) / Bette Davis' Eyes (Jackie DeShannon - Donna Weiss) / Eve of the War (Jeff Wayne) op 22 augustus 1981 (lp: Longplay Album - Volume II) [CNR 0060.441 | CNR 655.130]
N° 26-albumhit in Groot-Brittannië voor Startrax (Produced for Picksy Records Ltd. by Bruce Baxter) als Medley: - Startrax Club Disco (Bruce Baxter) / Black Is Black (Words and Music by Steve Wadey, Tony Hayes and Michelle Grainger) / She's Not There (Words and Music by Rod Argent) / In the Navy (Words and Music by Jacques Morali, Henri Belolo and Victor Willis) / One Way Ticket (Words and Music by Hank Hunter and Jack Keller) / Y.M.C.A. (Words and Music by Jacques Morali, Henri Belolo and Victor Willis) / I Can See Clearly Now (Words and Music by Johnny Nash) / Sunny (Words and Music by Bobby Hebb) / Kissin' in the Back Row of the Movies (Words and Music by Tony Macaulay and Roger Greenaway) / Bad Girls (Words by Donna Summer / Music by Bruce Sudano, Joe Esposito and Eddie Hokenson) / Instant Replay (Words and Music by Dan Hartman) / Three Steps to Heaven (Words and Music by Eddie Cochran and Bob Cochran) / Keep on Dancing (Words and Music by Eric Matthew and Gary Turnier) / Love Hangover (Words and Music by Pam Sawyer and Marilyn McLeod) / Working My Way Back to You (Words and Music by Sandy Linzer and Denny Randell) / D.I.S.C.O. (Words and Music by Jean Kluger and Daniel Vangarde) / Use It Up and Wear It Out (Sandy Linzer - L. Russell Brown) / That's the Way (I Like It) (Words and Music by H.W. Casey and Richard Finch) / Band of Gold (Words and Music by Ronald Donbar and Edith Wayne) / Alright Now (Words and Music by Andy Fraser and Paul Rodgers) / Feels Like I'm in Love (Ray Dorset) / When You're in Love with a Beautiful Woman (Words and Music by Even Stevens) / Because the Night (Words and Music by Bruce Springsteen and Patti Smith) / Le Freak (Words and Music by Nile Rodgers and Bernard Edwards) / I Will Survive (Words and Music by Dino Fekaris and Freddie Perren) / In the Year 2525 (Exordium & Terminus) (Words and Music by Rick Evans) / Kung Fu Fighting (Words and Music by Carl Douglas) / Go West (Words and Music by Jacques Morali, Henri Belolo and Victor Willis) / Ladies Night (Words and Music by George Melvin Brown and Kool & The Gang) / Que sera mi vida (Words and Music by Daniel Vangarde, Jean Kluger and Nelly Byl) / Love Train (Words and Music by Kenneth Gamble and Leon Huff) / Startrax Club Disco (Bruce Baxter) in 1981 (lp: Startrax Club Disco) [Picksy Records KSYA 1001]
N° 120-albumhit in Amerika voor Stars On (Produced for Red Bullet Productions by Jaap Eggermont) als "Introductions": Star Wars (Main Title) (John A. Williams) / Can't Give You Anything (But My Love) (Luigi Creatore - George David Weiss - Hugo Peretti) / Kung-Fu Fighting (Carl Douglas) / Alright Now (Paul Rodgers - Andy Fraser) / Fire (Bruce Springsteen) / Do You Think I'm Sexy (Rod Stewart - Carmine Appice) / Y.M.C.A. (Jacques Morali - Henri Belolo - Victor Willis) / The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (Ennio Morricone) / Theme from M*A*S*H* (Johnny Mandel - Mike Altman) / Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Any More (Bob Crewe - Bob Gaudio) / Overture from Tommy (Pete Townshend) / Get Off (Carl Driggs - J.A. Ledesma) / Stars on 45 (Jaap Eggermont - Martin Duiser) / Baker Street (Gerry Rafferty) / Eve of the War (Jeff Wayne) / Stars on 45 (Jaap Eggermont - Martin Duiser) in 1981 (lpP: Stars on Long Play II) [Radio Records RR 19314]
1981: Adam and the Ants (Adaptation: Adam Ant / Jacques Morali) als A.N.T.S. [Flexipop - Flexipop 004] (Flexi-disc 33⅓ toerenplaat)
1981: Brotherhood of Man (Words and Music by Jacques Morali, Henri Belolo and Victor Willis) (Produced by: Tony Hiller) (Arranged by: Colin Frechter) als Y.M.C.A. (lp: 20 Disco Greats) [Warwick WW 5111]
N° 63-albumhit in Groot-Brittannië voor Mini★Pops (Thanks to all the 'Mini Pops': Joanna, Abby, Andrew, Jonas, Catty, Nicky, Stephen, Jason, Robert, Masha, Nathan, Rebecca, Anne-Marie, Arron, Joanna, Fleur, Lucy, Dorenti, Angus, Anna, Carlton, Andrea, Adamo and Elizabeth) (Produced by The Daddy Pops) als Disco Medley: (a.) D.I.S.C.O. (Words and Music by Jean Kluger and Daniel Vangarde) / (b.) Y.M.C.A. (Jacques Morali - Henri Belolo) / (c.) In the Navy (Jacques Morali - Henri Belolo) / (d.) Go West (Jacques Morali - Henri Belolo) / (e.) Celebration (Robert "Kool" Bell - Ronald Bell) / (f.) Happy Birthday (Words and Music by Stevie Wonder) (℗ 1981) op 30 januari 1982 (LP: Mini★Pops) [K-Tel ONE 1102]
1982: Bobby Crush (Recorded 'Live' at Abbey Road Studios) (Musical Supervision and Arranging - Cecil Bolton) (Recording Engineer - Peter Vince) (2nd Engineer - Allen Rouse) (Produced by - Norman Newell) als Hands Up! (Daniel Vangarde - Jean Kluger) / Y.M.C.A. (Henri Belolo - Victor Willis - Jacques Morali) / Loop de Loop (Teddy Vann - Joe Dong) / In the Navy (Henri Belolo - Victor Willis - Jacques Morali) (lp: The Bobby Crush Incredible Double Decker Party with 101 Great Songs - Party One / Party Two) [Warwick WW 5126]
N° 18-albumhit in Groot-Brittannië voor Black Lace (Jacques Morali - Henri Belolo) (Black Lace are Alan Barton and Colin Routh) (Produced by Neil Ferguson and Black Lace) (Many thanks to Neil Ferguson at Woodland Recording Studios, Stuart Coxhead, Barry Evans, and all at Bullet Promotions) (Musicians: Drums - Neil Hardcastle) (Keyboards - Barry Whitfield) (Brass - Nigel Hopkins) (Guitar - Neil Ferguson) als Y.M.C.A./In the Navy (lp: Party Party 2) in 1985 [Telstar STAR 2266]
1985: Russ Abbot (Words and Music by Jacques Morali, Henri Belolo and Victor Willis) (Executive Producer - Ben Findon) (Special production thanks to Miki Antony, Pete Moss, Steve Rodway) (Backing Vocals - Miki Antony, Steve Butler, Judy High, Pete King, Pete Mos, Legear, Henderson Gibson) (Special engineering thanks to Tim Thompson, Jeff Calvert, Phil Bush, Paul Adshead, Keff McCulluch) als Y.M.C.A. (lp: I Love a Party) [K-Tel ONE 1313]
1989: Bart de Graaff (Henri Belolo - Victor Willis / Nederlandse tekst: Max) (Zang: Bart de Graaff, Tatjana, Johnny Camaro, Gerda van Es, Jacqueline van der Heyden, Wiesje Westerlaken) (Gitaar: Henk Peters, Jos van den Dungen) (Toetsen en Drumprogramming: Jos van den Dungen) (Producers: Jos van den Dungen, Ruud van Es) (Opname: H.N.S. Studio, Dordrecht) (Mix: Ruud van Es) als Het valt niet mee (Y.M.C.A.) (cd: Bart zingt ze beter!) [EMI 7932512]
1989: Galenskaparna och After Shave (Henri Belolo - Jacques Morali / svensk text: Jan Rippe) als Bengt Erik Grahn (cd: En himla många program - Musiken ur TV-serien) [Galavax GVCD 022] (Zweedse versie)
1991: Frederik (suom. san. Jaana Rinne / säv. & san. Jacques Morali - Henri Belolo - Victor Willis) als Miesstrippari - Y.M.C.A. - (cd: Killeri) [One Inch Rock EKRCD 113] (Finse versie)
N° 46-hit in Nieuw-Zeeland voor Village People (Words and Music by Jacques Morali, Henri Belolo and Victor Willis) (Produced by Jacques Morali and Henri Belolo) ("Y.M.C.A. '93 Remix" Mixed by Dave Ford) als Y.M.C.A. '93 Remix in 1993 [Arista 74321 17718 2 | Bell Records | BMG] (cd-single) (4 tracks)
1993: Glamorama (Words and Music by Jacques Morali, Henri Belolo and Victor Willis) (Original production by Richard Cottle and Graham Willcocks) (Post production by Martyn Norris and Gary Miller) (Engineered by John Gallen and Richard Moakes) (Mixed by Marc Frank) als Y.M.C.A. (12" Mix) [Almighty 12 Almy 48 | BMG Ariola] (12 inchsingle) (33⅓ toerenplaat)
1993: Pinky and Perky (Words and Music by Jacques Morali, Henri Belolo and Victor Willis) (Pinky and Perky are brought to you by their creators: Jan & Vlasto Balidor) (Pinky and Perky songs arranged and performed by Paul K Joyce) (Female Vocalist - Sara Simmonds) (Billie The Pig operated by Simon Buckley) (Series Producer - Peter Curtis) (Executive Producer - Dan Maddicot) als Y.M.C.A. (various artists) (cd: The Pig Attraction Starring Pinky & Perky) [Telstar TCD 2668]
N° 78-albumhit in Amerika voor Village People (Words and Music by Jacques Morali, Henri Belolo and Victor Willis) (Produced by Jacques Morali) (Executive Album Producers: Peter Afterman and Michael Ostin) (Mastered by Stephen Marcussen at Precision Mastering) als Y.M.C.A. (℗ 1993) in 1994 (various artists) (Music from the Motion Picture (cd: Wayne's World 2) [Reprise 9362-45485-2]
1994: 2 Live Jews (English Adaptation: Easy Irving) (Produced by The Funky Get Down, All Night Long, The Way I Like It, Love to Love, The Big Guy, Mr. Medium, Senior Small and The Whole Meshpukah) (The Band: Drums ◦ Melvin B. Seltzer) (Bass ◦ Abe V. Winestein) (Guitar ◦ Douglas R. Stein) (Accordion ◦ Hershey Gold) (Woodwinds Conducted by Biff Shmeckel) (Mix Engineer ◦ Charlie "The Phone Freak" Barwick) (Recording Engineer ◦ Mike "Bone Daddy" Marro) als What Did You Say (cd: 2 Live Jews Present : Disco Jews) [Kosher Records HTCD 3375-2]
1994: Doctor Explosion (Words and Music by Jacques Morali, Henri Belolo and Victor Willis) als Y.M.C.A. (ep: Tired of Waiting) [Thunderpussy TH-004] (4 track-ep) (45 toerensingle)
1994: Skunks (All Songs Arranged by The Skunks) (Produced by The Skunks) (Recorded and Engineered by Chris Biondo at Funk University Studios, Glendale, MD) (Mixed by The Skunks and Chris Biondo at Funk University Studios, Glendale, MD) (Ingredients: Steve Orders - Vocals) (Matt Earl - Tenor Saxophone) (Dave Rudolph - Trombone, Tuba) (George Beronio - Trumpet) (Elias K. Rodriguez - Trumpet, Flugelhorn) (Brent Washburn - Clarinet) (Erick "Fingers" Morgan - Keyboards, Accordion) (Andrew Hayleck - Guitar) (Timothy Karns - Bass Guitar) (James McDonald - Drums, Percussion) (Additional Guitars and Backing Vocals by Mike Kim) als Y.M.C.A. (cd: Mixed Nuts - More Than 100% Ska) [Moon Records MR040CD]
N° 30-albumhit in Amerika voor Village People (Words and Music by Jacques Morali, Henri Belolo and Victor Willis) als Y.M.C.A. in 1995 (various artists) (cd: ESPN Presents Jock Jams Volume 1) [Tommy Boy TBCD 1137]
1995: Dominó (versão: João W. Plinta) (Produzido por João Planta e Roberto Manzoni als Jovem (cd: Provocante) [Halloween Discos 011 022 2] (Portugese versie)
1995: Spectrum als Y.M.C.A. (cd: Bad Girls) [First Choice FC 4586]
N° 20-albumhit in Noorwegen voor Døsty Cåwshit als Medley: (a.) Cowboypistol / (b.) K.F.U.M in 1996 (week 19) (cd: Østenfor soon, western for Råde) [NorDisc 532 254-2 | PolyGram A/S] (Noorse versie)
N° 65-albumhit in Duitsland voor Extrabreit (deutsche Bearbeitung: Kai Havaii - Stefan Kleinkrieg) (Produziert von Klaus Scharff und Ingo Kraus) (Gemischt von Ingo Kraus) als CVJM op 15 april 1996 (cd: Jeden Tag - jede Nacht) [Hansa 74321 33333 2 | BMG] (Duitse versie)
1996: Party Animals (Words and Music by Jacques Morali, Henri Belolo and Victor Willis) als Y.M.C.A. (cd: All Time Party Greats …Guaranteed to Relight Your Fire) [Elap Music 47679 CD]
N° 83-albumhit in Amerika voor Village People als Y.M.C.A. in (℗ 1996) in 1997 (various artists) (cd: Pure Disco) [Polydor 31453 5877-2]
1997: Blowfly (Produced, recorded, and mixed by Lawrence Fordyce) (Additional vocals by CeeVox, Elmaria Thompson, The Billy People featuring Jackie Balls, and the Blowfly Crew) (Concept and Inspiration "The Colonel" Stone) als Y.M.C.(G.) a.(Y.) (cd: 2001: A Sex Odyssey) [Hot Productions HTCD 9013 2]
1997: Šmoulové (Henri Belolo - Jacques Morali - Victor Willis / Český text: Vladimír Kočandrle) (Realizace a produkce: Vintage Recording Studio, Luboš Lauterbach & Michal Pešout) als Šmoulům je hej (Y.M.C.A.) (cd: Velká šmoulí prázdninová párty - vol. 2) [Monitor | EMI 7243 8 57562 2 1] (Tsjechische versie)
1997: The Eurobeats als Y.M.C.A. (cd: Whoops! What a Party) [Dance Flava 3861-2]
1997: The Skunks (Produced by Charlie B. Daham) als Y.M.C.A. (various artists) (cd: SKAndalous - I've Gotcha Covered - Volume 2) [Shanachie SH 5726]
N° 10-hit in Waals-België voor Touché Feat. Krayzee (Words and Music by Jacques Morali, Henri Belolo and Victor Willis) (Produced by Dieter Bohlen) als YMCA (Rap Version) op 26 december 1998 [Hansa 74321 63018 2 | BMG] (cd-single)
N° 89-albumhit in Duitsland voor Touché (Words and Music by Jacques Morali, Henri Belolo and Victor Willis) ("Y.M.C.A." Additonal Vocals by Krayzee) (Produced by Dieter Bohlen) (Co-Produced by Luiz Rodrigues) (Arranged by Lalo Titenkov) als Y.M.C.A. (Vocal Version) op 26 december 1998 (cd: Kids in America) [Hansa 74321 62917 2 | BMG]
1998: Těžkej Pokondr (Jacques Morali - Henri Belolo - Victor Willis / Český text: Lou Fanánek) als Nájem zvedej (Y.M.C.A.) (cd: Víc než Gottzila) [Ariola 74321 62299 2 | BMG] (Tsjechische versie)
N° 39-albumhit in Zweden voor Rally (Engelsk text och Musik: Jacques Morali - Henri Belolo - Victor Willis / svensk text: Stefan Livh) als 5.56 (YMCA) op 19 december 1999 (lp: Rally 4) [Start Klart Records SKRCD-81] (Zweedse versie)
1999: The BB Band (Henri Belolo - Jacques Morali - Victor Willis) (The BB Band: Bob Brecker - guitar, vocals) (Dennis White - guitar, vocals) (Randy Frey - bass) (Len McFee - drums, percussion) (Ken Hartman - keyboards, vocals) (Wanda Morrison - vocals) (Sheila Curis - vocals) (Brenda Clark - vocals) als YMCA (from "Wayne's World 2") (cd: My Heart Will Go On) [Beautiful Music Collection BMC 87178]
N° 92-albumhit in Amerika voor Village People (Words and Music by Jacques Morali, Henri Belolo and Victor Willis) (Executive Producer: Tim Hyde) (Executive Producer for Radio Disney: Robin Jones) (Mastering by Eddy Schreyer at Oasis Mastering, Studio City, CA) (Mastering Supervised by Nancy Matter) (Production Coordinator: Mark Matlock) als Y.M.C.A. in 2000 (various artists) (cd: Radio Disney Jams Vol. 2) [Walt Disney Records 60980-0]
2001: Celebrar (Produzido por Roberto Lly) (Direção Artistica: João Augusto) als YMCA / It's Raining Men (cd: Pra animar a festa) [Deckdisk 11004-2]
2002: ApologetiX (English Adaptation: J. John Jackson) (Parody of "YMCA" by Village People) als YHWH (cd: Grace Period) [Parodudes 680007]
2002: Shootin' Goon als Y.M.C.A. (cd: Splottside Rocksteady) [Moon Ska Records Moon CD 058]
2003: Swinger Club (Jacques Morali - Henri Belolo) als YMCA (cd: Monsters of Jazz) [Supermusic SM 20020]
2003: The Twang (Hank Twang - Gesang, Maultrommel) (Beano van Twang - Gitarre) (Steve McTwang - Gitarre) (Marshall Twang - Bass, Gitarre, Banjo, Mandoline, Background Gesang) (A.K. Twang - Schlagzeug, Percussion, Background Gesang) (Partners in Crime: Phil Twang - Bass & Background Gesang) (Tommy Schneider - Pedal Steel & Lap Steel) (Jens Duckstein - Piano & Akkordeon) (Reiner Tacke - Geige) (Ralph Lappnau - Gitarre) (Pete Stips - Hawaiigitarre & Dobro) (Petra Heidrich - Backgrondgesang) (Eberhard Stoppok - Tuba) (Sonja Berensmeier - Trompete) (Produziert von Clemens Wolf) (Aufgenommen und gemixt von Bernd Galetzka im Studio am Schacht, Peine) (Gemastert von Tom Meyer bei Master & Servant, Hamburg) (Gestaltung von Matthias Mencke, N.Y.C.) als YMCA (cd: Countryfication) [iXiXeS Records XXS 20 | Indigo]
N° 3-albumhit in Duitsland voor Die Lollipops (deutsche Bearbeitung: Frank Smilgies) als L.O.P.O. (Y.M.C.A.) op 16 augustus 2004 (cd: Tanzen, lachen, Party machen) [edel kids 0152742KID] (Duitse versie)
N° 34-albumhit in Amerika voor William Hung Feat. The Gonnabees (Words and Music by Jacques Morali, Henri Belolo and Victor Willis) (Produced and mixed by Christopher Young) (Assistant engineer: Ron Winter) (All programming: Christopher Young) (Mastered by Mixmaster) (Executive Producer: Dee "Pitboss" Sonaram) als Y.M.C.A. (cd + dvd-video: Inspiration) in 2004 [Koch Records KOC-CD-9579]
2004: Village People vs. Dub J. als Y.M.C.A. (various artists) (cd: Super Italia Vol. 14) [High N-R-G 982 235-3 | Universal]
N° 29-albumhit in Zwitserland voor Henri Dès (Adaptation françaises: Henri Dès) ("Cacahuètes grillées" pour chanter seul avec l'orchestre) (Réalisation et direction musicale: Jean-Marie Leau, assisté de Raphäel Tidas) als Cacahuètes grillées (YMCA) op 9 oktober 2005 (cd: Polissongs) [Productions Mary-Josée 30172256 | Universal Licensing Music (U.L.M ©) (Franse versie)
2005: Larry Hall (Produced by Larry Hall) (Executive Producer: Tod Ellsworth) als YMCA (cd: Disco Fever) [Green Hill GHD5437]
2005: Reiner's Big Band (Besætning - Niels Herløv: Alt-sax) (Ola Buvik: Alt-sax) (Mikkel Ingholt: Alt-sax) (Torben Christensen: Alt-sax) (Niels Herløv: Alt-sax) (Niels Hansen: Tenor-sax) (Hans Sørensen: Tenor-sax) (Gert Hansen: Baryton-sax + klarinet) (Jens Juul Jensen: Trompet) (Klaus Ole Herløv: Trompet) (David Hitz Runøe: Trompet) (Pernille Cauchi: Trompet) (Jørgen Dreyer: Trompet) (Torben Ågesen: Trompet) (Studie: Reca) (Producer: Finn Reiner) (Teknik: Finn Sørensen) (Mastering: Jan Eliasson) (Produktion: Reca (2005) (Stig Jørgensen: Basum) (Ib Hansen: Basum) (Niels Krabbenhøft: Basum) (Ingrid Larsen: Basum) (Kenneth Reiner: Piano) (Martin Rex: Guitar + vokal) (Thomas Thomsen: Trommer) (Rasmus Rasmussen: Bas) (Jesper Martinussen: Percussion) (Louise Ravn Christensen: Vokal) (Finn Reiner: Dirigent) als Y.M.C.A. (cd: Would You Like to Swing) [Reca RCD 4579]
2005: Shootin' Goon als Y.M.C.A. (various artists) (cd: More Best Hit S.K.A.) [Cutting Edge CTCR 14399]
2006: Maya & Miguel als YMCA (cd: ¡Fiesta!) [Madacy MLT2 51864 | Madacy Kids]
N° 83-albumhit in Amerika voor Village People als Y.M.C.A. (℗ 1996) in 1997 (various artists) (cd: Pure Disco) [Polydor 31453 5877-2]
2007: Berk & The Virtual Band als Y.M.C.A. (CD: Jazz Chill Vol. 2 ... y enamórate del Jazz) [blanco y negro MXCD 1743 CS CTV]
2010: Hector Zazou, Barbara Eramo, Stefano Saletti (Words and Music by Jacques Morali, Henri Belolo and Victor Willis) (Produced by Hector Zazou, Stefano Saletti) (Recorded at Four Winds Studio (Rome) (Mixed by Julien Bourdin, Stefano Saletti at 910 Studio (Paris) and at Four Winds Studio (Rome) (Mastered by Fabrizio De Carolis at Reference Studio (Rome) (Barbara Eramo - Vocals, Percussion, Kalimba) (Stefano Saletti - Oud Bouzouki, Mandol, Electric and Classical Guitar, Hand Drums, Percussion, Steel Drums, Cajón, Teponatzli, Bodhran, Electronics) (Hector Zazou - Electronics) (Carlo Cossu: Violin) (Raffaela Siniscalchi: Backing Vocals) (Diana Tejera: Acoustic Guitar on "Y.M.C.A.") als Y.M.C.A. (cd: Oriental Night Fever) [Naïve NS 91654]
2011: Afrohead 7 Line als Y.M.C.A. (cd: CF Attack) [Kick Rock Music EKRM 1188]
2012: Laura Pausini (Produced by Laura Pausini) als Medley - New Year's Eve (Live): Disco Inferno / Never Can Say Goodbye / Celebration / Relight My Fire / Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood / Le Freak / We Are Family / Girls Just Wanna Have Fun / Self Control / Tarzan Boy / In alto mare / Crying at the Discoteque / Venus / Hot Stuff / What Is Love / The Rhythm of the Night / Rumore / Born to Be Alive / Walk Like an Egyptian / You're the One That I Want / YMCA [Warner Music Italia Srl 825646647985] (Promo-cd-single)
N° 79-albumhit in Nederland voor Pierre Bokma, Loes Luca, Georgina Verbaan, Jenny Arean, Bianca Krijgsman, Marc-Marie Huijbregts, Ton Kas, Carry Tefsen & Laus Steenbeeke (Jacques Morali - Henri Belolo - Victor Willis / Nederlandse tekst: Frank Houtappels) ('t Schaep in Mokum - rolverdeling: Loes Luca, Pierre Bokma, Marc-Marie Huijbregts, Carry Tefsen, Georgina Verbaan, Jenny Arean, Ton Kas, Bianca Krijgsman, Laus Steenbeeke, Lineke Rijxman en met o.a. André van Duin, Nasrdin Dchar, Gijs Scholten van Aschat, Joke Tjalsma, Han Römer, Sylvia Hoeks, Niels Gomperts, Raymonde de Kuyper, Michiel Nooter) (Geproduceerd and Gearrangeerd door Rec Sound (Wiegel, Meirmans, Snitker) (Creatief Producent: Job Gossschalk & Frank Krom) als Leger des Heils (Y.M.C.A.) op 9 maart 2013 (various artists) (cd: Café 't Schaep in Mokum - De originele soundtrack) [EMI 50999 9128432 7]
N° 86-albumhit in Amerika voor The Minions als Y.M.C.A. (℗ 2013) in 2014 (various artists) (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack) (cd: Despicable Me 2) [Back Lot Music BLM 0236 | I Am Other]
2014: Jettie Pallettie (Jacques Morali - Henri Belolo - Victor E. Willis / Nederlandse bewerking: Waylon van der Heijden - Jet Westerhuis - Adrie van den Berk) (Opname & productie Waylon van der Heijden / Jet Westerhuis) (Arrangementen: Waylon van der Heijden) (Studio: Goldfinger Studio's Best) (Mastering: Q-Point) als Feest in de tent (Radio Versie) [Berk Music BM6025431] (cd-single) (4 tracks)
2014: Mister & Mississippi als Y.M.C.A. (various artists) (cd: De wereld draait door presenteert Guilty Pleasures) [VARA VCD 6301399 [PIAS]
2016: Eldissa als Y.M.C.A. (cd: Upside Down) [Evosound EVSA361]
N° 8-albumhit in Duitsland voor Ross Antony (Musik: Jacques Morali / Text: Henri Belolo, Victor Edwards Willis) (Credits for "Y.M.C.A.": Aufgenommen, arrangiert und produziert von Andreas John & Erik Macholl in den JMC Music Studios, Berlin) (Piano, Keyboards, Drums: Andreas John) (Gitarren, Bass, Percussions: Erik Macholl) (Chöre: Christopher Gronau, Anna Schmitz, Benjamin Brümmer) (Additional Backing Vocals: Erik Macholl, Andreas John) (All vocals arranged & recorded by Benjamin Brümmer @ Atlaswerk Studios Paderborn) als Y.M.C.A. op 15 maart 2019 (cd: Schlager lügen nicht) [Telamo 405380431262]
2019: Martin Kessler mit „Ghörsch" (Produktion: Martin Kessler, Marcel Zumbrunn) (Studio + Mastering: Tonstudio Philipp Metler) (Programming: Philipp Metler) als Y.M.C.A. (cd: Am Buräschübligtanz) [Grüezi 28503]
N° 86-albumhit in Frankrijk voor Collectif Métissé (Jacques Morali - Victor Willis Edward Willis - Henri Belolo) als YMCA op 11 juli 2020 (cd: Collectif Fiesta Party) [Arcaprod 0730132 | MCA | Universal Music France]
2023: Walk Off the Earth als YMCA [Walk off the Earth | Self-released | Digital]
Titel A-kant
Componist(en) A-kant
Jacques Morali, Henri Belolo, Victor Willis
Producer(s) A-kant
Jacques Morali
Titel B-kant
The Women
Componist(en) B-kant
Jacques Morali, Henri Belolo, Victor Willis
Producer(s) B-kant
Jacques Morali
6075 045
Young man, there's no need to feel down.
I said, young man, pick yourself off the ground.
I said, young man, 'cause you're in a new town
There's no need to be unhappy.
Young man, there's a place you can go.
I said, young man, when you're short on your dough.
You can stay there, and I'm sure you will find
Many ways to have a good time.
It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
They have everything for you men to enjoy,
You can hang out with all the boys ...
It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
You can get yourself clean, you can have a good meal,
You can do what the f*ck you feel ...
Young man, are you listening to me?
I said, young man, what do you want to be?
I said, young man, you can make real your dreams.
But you got to know this one thing!
No man does it all by himself.
I said, young man, put your pride on the shelf,
And just go there, to the y.m.c.a.
I'm sure they can help you today.
It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
They have everything for you men to enjoy,
You can hang out with all the boys ...
It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
You can get yourself clean, you can have a good meal,
You can do what ever you feel ...
Young man, I was once in your shoes.
I said, I was down and out with the blues.
I felt no man cared if I were alive.
I felt the whole world was so jive ...
That's when someone came up to me,
And said, young man, take a walk up the street.
There's a place there called the y.m.c.a.
They can start you back on your way.
It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
It's fun to stay at the y-m-c-a.
They have everything for you men to enjoy,
You can hang out with all the boys ...
Y-m-c-a ... you'll find it at the y-m-c-a.
Young man, young man, there's no need to feel down.
Young man, young man, get yourself off the ground.
Y-m-c-a ... you'll find it at the y-m-c-a.
Young man, young man, there's no need to feel down.
Young man, young man, get yourself off the ground.
Y-m-c-a ... just go to the y-m-c-a.
Young man, young man, are you listening to me?
Young man, young man, what do you wanna be?